Perfect for news magazine blog technology fashion beauty gadget phone hardware art creative lifestyle modern personal education culture travel viral architecture food recipe medical health game minimal video cryptocurrency science podcast audio government school sport pet animals wildlife fitness military review coffee shop business forum elementor guide agency car photography nature conference rating seo powerful fast top speed test simple mobile first lightweight responsive gutenberg newspaper blogging
- Unlimited sidebars
- Cross-Browser Compatibility: Chrome, Safari, FireFox, Edge, Opera
- Comes with auto YouTube, Dailymotion, and Vimeo featured image downloaders. All you need to do is paste the URL, and the theme will automatically download the featured image for your post.
- Built-in review system: stars and score, schema markup supported
- Automatically calculate reading time for posts.
- Create custom entry meta
- Reading progress bar
- Sponsored posts
- Svg uploader
- Weather widget
- Post tagline
- Preview video: play a short preview video when hovering on featured image.
- Social followers counter
- Integrated with Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin, Telegram…
- Instagram images grid
- Create custom social profiles
- Built with HTML5 and CSS3
- Youtube and vimeo video playlist
- Floating video iframe
- Blocks and layout designs
- Blog index template builder
- Various category headers
- Category page settings
- Contact form 7 supported
- Address widget
- login form popup
- Custom default login page layout
- More menu section
- Notification icon: display bookmarks and new release articles
- No coding required
- Single inline mailchimp form
- Smart sticky menu
- Sticky sidebars
- Covid-19 statistics cases data
- According tab
- Single post highlights, key points
- And much more…