
  1. DK47

    xF2 Addon [Andy] Remove style variation system 1.0

    Removes style variation 'system' from selection options. (before add-on is installed) (after add-on is installed)
  2. DK47

    xF2 Addon [Andy] Remove passkey 1.3

    Removes passkey from Log in and Password and security page.
  3. DK47

    xF2 Addon [Andy] Latest post live 1.3

    Updates the latest posts widget automatically. (Example of Latest posts widget) (Example of Options page) Questions and Answers: Q: How often will the Latest posts widget be updated? A: The default is every 30 seconds, but can be adjusted to a different time in the Options page.
  4. DK47

    xF2 Addon [Andy] Similar resources 2.3

    Shows a list of similar resources when adding or viewing a resource.
  5. DK47

    xF2 Addon [Andy] ChatBox 1.3

    A chat box for your members. Features: BB codes, smilies and user tags. All phrases start with chatbox_ for your convenience. User group permissions: The following two User group permissions are set when you install the add-on: Administrative = Admin Yes Registered = View Yes