seo optimization

  1. DK47

    [Xon] Lazy Image Loader 2.6.0

    A zero query method for per user-group lazy loading of the and [/B] Enable Outside threads/Conversations permits the lazy loading bbcode injection to run outside of those contexts. Inside those context it will still respect permissions. Force lazy loaded spoiler'ed images Ignores...
  2. DK47

    xF2 Addon [Xen-Soluce] SEO Optimization 2.6.3 Fix 1

    Description : This add-on allows you to decide which content is indexed from the search engine and more. Feel free to make suggestions ! Feature summary : Options : Forum Meta-Title What's new Meta-Description Members Meta-Description Help Meta-Description Resource Meta-Description Media...
  3. DK47

    xF2 Addon [Xen-Soluce] SEO Optimization 2.6.3

    This add-on allows you to decide which content is indexed from the search engine and more. Feel free to make suggestions ! Feature summary : Options : Forum Meta-Title What's new Meta-Description Members Meta-Description Help Meta-Description Resource Meta-Description Media Meta-Description...